Reluctant Low Carb Life
Reluctant Low Carb Life explores the keto and low carb lifestyles, fitness, health, wellness, and aging gracefully. Join us as we explore these issues and interview ordinary people doing extraordinary things to stay healthy.
Reluctant Low Carb Life
Fresh Foods or Ultra-Processed: What's Best for Your Health?
Anita Hummel
Season 3
Episode 12
Join Anita on Reluctant Low Carb Life as we examine the health impacts of choosing fresh foods over ultra-processed alternatives. We advocate for a low-carb lifestyle and believe in the power of whole, minimally processed foods for maintaining wellness.
In a world dominated by ultra-processed foods, it's crucial to understand the implications of our dietary choices. Discover why preserving the integrity of our food matters for our overall health and vitality.
You can learn more about the Health Benefits Of Fresh Foods Vs. Ultra Processed Foods by clicking here.
#FreshVsProcessed #LowCarbLifestyle #HealthyChoices #NutritionFacts #RealFood #WellnessJourney #HealthTips #Podcast